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I have rather varying musical interests. Everything depends on the mood I am in. Yet I also have some permanent favourites. I like much of classical music. In non-classical genres I like works with a feel, not the "dum-dim-dim-tum"-type of music!
This page will feature groups, singers, composers and works, which I often listen to. This page is organized, just like my other pages - a sorted list of singers, groups and alike will bring you to a short description of this "fenomenon", followed by cover images, links to related sites and direct links to CDnow's shop archive. Clicking a cover will also bring you to CDnow. If you can't find the work you are after, try searching in CDnow's archive... Please note, that CDnow's site will be opened in a separate window.
One thing for sure, you are using a computer! Don't tell me, you don't... And computers have very much to do with music. Computer music may get expressed in various ways, one of which is creation of music/sound modules. I would like you to visit one such page with a modest collection of modules, and programs to play them.
Didn't find what you were looking for? Try searching in CDnow's archive.
General links:
Wether you play guitar or not, you can find the following links interesting:

On-Line Guitar Archive
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Some related links:

Also available on video: Alchemy VHS and Alchemy
Did you know that Alchemy's cover contains Scrooge McDuck, copyrighted by Walt Disney? I think I know where he is located. If I am mistaken, please correct me.
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I would also strongly reccomend Memory of Trees
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Lyrics to Behind the Sun.
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I would also strongly reccomend 1982-1992
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Johan de Meij
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