A Chaotic Guide to Ladonia
The first and only incomplete and unsorted guide to Ladonian resources
This directory is devided into two parts: Internet sites and e-mail addresses. It also features a list over ministers and ministries. However I do not list all of our Minister or Ministries, but only those, who have either e-mail address or an Internet site. For a cmplete list of Ladonian officials link to Departments and Ministries, and Administration (see below).
This may be an answer to MLP Erik Treteraas' urgent call - Ladonia lacks an efficient directory to its resources, which inhibits an efficient communication.
Just as it said - this is a truely incomplete collection of resources, connected to Ladonia. If you find an address or e-mail, worth addind to this directory, please inform me. Yet I suspect that the only person, who "has all the clues" is our State Secretary, Lars Vilks.
As this directory is also unsorted, use Edit¦Find from your browser menu to search for a specific word in the document.
Current research has been done by Nemo using Ladonia Discussion Board and Ladonia Herald.
Internet sites:
- Ladonia:
- The Ladonian Parliament:
- Ministries:
- Ministry of Propaganda, Lord Aslak Viking
- Ministry of Power, Lord Max von Kern (another address)
- Ministry of Sophistry, Ladislaus Horatius (site in english)
- Ministry of Chess, Öyvind Grotmol (another address)
- Ministry of All Winds
- Ministry of History, Count Torby (Department 2)
- Ministry of Hunting and Game Preservations, Lars Vipsjö
- Ministry of Causality and Acausality, Joshua Trevino (another address)
- Ministry of Live Roleplay, Baron Jared Elgvin
- Ministry of Chance, Svein Olav Nyberg (old address)
- Ministry of Extraordinary Affairs in Sweden and Europe, Vera Porad
- Ministry Of Music and Sound, Ludvig Claeson
- ( Ministery of Language, Aya Stehager )
- Departments & Offices:
- Political parties
- Peace Party, Erik Johansson
- Bakpartiet, Ladislaus Horatius (another address)
- Green Party of Ladonia, Lord Arvid von Hällen
- Citizens' Tribune, Erik Tveteraas
- The Ladonian More Sleep Party, Thomas Aune
- Liberal Party of Ladonia, Chris Loutradis
- Embassies and colonies
- Images
- Projects, odds and ends...
- Other nations which recognize and are recognized by Ladonia
- Elleore
- A city of Ladonia in Texas, Ambassador Betsy Thaggard
- "Ladonian" sites, not actually connected with Ladonia (?)
E-mail addresses:
- Administration:
- Ministers:
- Anders Löwdin, Minister of Internet (another e-mail)
- David Stansvik, Minister of Literature
- Count Torby, Minister of History
- Lord Max von Kern, Minister of Power
- Lord Aslak Viking, Minister of Propaganda
- Minister of All Winds (? another e-mail)
- Erik Tveteraas, Minister of Entertainment, Head of the Ladonian colony in Italy, Head of Citizens' Tribune
- Ladislaus Horatius, Minister of Sophistry, Bakpartiet
- Lars Vipsjö, Minister of Hunting and Game Preservations
- Jane Millflower, Minister of Discord (?)
- Betsy Thaggard, Minister of Poke Sallet, Ambassador in Austin
- Peter Pozsgai, Minister of Domestics
- Joshua Trevino, Minister of Causality and Acausality
- Baron Jared Elgvin, Minster of Live Roleplay (?)
- Dr Emanuel von Bock, Minister of Health (to ask the doctor mail to Vera Porad)
- Gunnar Jarl of Björksäter, HDKPPTQ, Minister of Unschooling
- Countess Madeleine H, Glover M.A. M.S., Eternal Minister, Minister of Tennis and Figure Skating, Cabinet Member, Ladonia's Madame Ambassador to the United States of America
- Ludvig Claeson, Minister of Music and Sound
- Joacim Barkström, Minister of Undercover Operations in Foreign Countries
- Bo Hansson, Minister of County Councils
- Tiit Mathiesen, Minister of Brain
- Öyvind Grotmol, Minister of Chess
- Svein Olav Nyberg, Minister of Chance
- Lady Louise Lindehoff, Minister of Handicraft
- Countess Kicki Hankell, Minister of Guardian Angels
- Ingemar Nilsson, Minister of Church
- Staffan Schmidt, Minister of Classicism
- Ulla-Britt Karyd, Minister of Creativity
- Vera Porad, Executive Editor of Ladonia Herald and State Graphic, Minister of Extraordinary Affairs in Sweden and Europe
- Stellan Olsson, Ministrer of Film
- Humberto Saccomandi, Minister of Foreign Affairs in Brazil and Latin America
- Lord SigWhig, Minister of Idleness
- Lady Liliann, Minister of Ironi & Depression
- Krister Thelin, (Marquis K v T), Minister of Justice
- Katarina Johansson, Minister of Light Inebriation
- Marquis de Croupe, Minister of Peace and Architecture
- Jens Heed, Minister of Property
- Kjell Mårtensson, Minister of Social Affairs and Environment
- Lord Peter Kimay, Minister of the Sub Aquatic Territories
- Bako Stefan, Minister of Youth and Child Protecion, MLP
- Matthew Sinclair, Minister of Transportation, MLP
- Lord Thomas Hendon, Minister of Humour
- ( Birgitta Landin, Minister of Poker )
- ( Theo Hultberg, Minister of Popular Music )
- ( Tom Wolf, Ministry of Love )
- ( Dag Dao, Minister of Animal Rights )
- Miscellenious:
- Baron Johan Andersson, Custodian of National Monuments
- Sir Nemolom, Head Secretary of the Special State Office of Nomads, Manager of the Zafigomchic. (another e-mail)
- Nemo, Head of the Office of Nothingness, A Speaker of the 1st Chamber of the Ladonian Parliament
- Pär Lindholm, Department of Immigration
- Geir Johnson, Ambassador in Nesoddtangen
- Count Humberto Saccomandi, Ambassador in Brazil
- John Parman, Head of The Foreign Service
- Görel the Priestess, Ambassador in Gothland, Custodian
- Lord Krisztian Kaulics, Ladonian Hardware Software Development Inc.
- Sir Randal MacNiall Bundy, The Order of Knignts of Ladonia
- Vera Porad, Executive Editor of Ladonia Herald and State Graphic, Minister of Extraordinary Affairs in Sweden and Europe
- Tudor Barnard,Laird Glenalmond, Thane of the East Neuk, Head of A Colony in Scotland
- Thomas Aune, The Ladonian More Sleep Party
- Lars Vipsjö, Gräns project, Whitebeam (?)
- Lord Arvid von Hällen, Green Party of Ladonia
- Lars von Rosell, Ambassador in Dayton, Pennsylvania
- Baron Joacim Von Barkström, Alpha Barkus language creator
- H. Rognskog, storyteller
- Mr Jüri, Royal Photographer
- Erik Johansson, Peace Party
- Lord Thomas of Camster, An English Order of Chivalry in Sweden
- Erik Tveteraas, Citizens' Tribune
- Chris Loutradis, Liberal Party of Ladonia
- Feidias Laidippes, Sculptor, author of Navel of the World in Ladonia
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