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Joel's Hierarchical Subject Index

Jubii (in Denmark)

Show results from

Kvasir - A Norwegian catalogue strong in finding Nordic sites, yet also international sites might be rgistered there.

LinkStar - A business directory.

Company Person
City Category
State Country

LookSmart - a huge subject index. It is advisable to visit their site to get a more accurate search in their sub-indexes.

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Lycos (EDU, Sweden)

Search in:
Catalogue to search:


MetaCrawler - A metasearch engine, which sends your request to AltaVista, OpenText, Infoseek, Excite and WebCrawler simultaneously.
Search: for
Results from:
Results per page:
Results per source:

FAST MP3 Search

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National Geographic - One of the best scientific places in the world.
Search nationalgeographic.com for:

Search NGS Publications Index for:

Nemo's Realms - Search my own site using keywords of interest (powered by FreeFind).

Netscape Search Collection - Netscape's own collection of srearch engines. It's pages contain tons of graphics so it takes an eternety to load.

NEWS.COM - Worlds news delivered be C|Net.


Search for these words.
Search for this phrase.

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Rambler - Russian search engine. Indexes sites in Russia and provides search capabilities in the Russian language.

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Output format:


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SAREWARE.COM - A software library with more than 250,000 files in its archive. From C|Net.
Search word:

and / or
Optional second word:

Limit to category:
Limit files displayed to:

Search the top ten shareware archives managed by C|Net:

Select one or more archives to search:

RBSE Spider

Which areas do you want to search? Text Title Header Anchor
The keywords shall Max-hits:
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Format output in the following mode


SwitchBoard - Best place for searching somebody in America: 90 million names and 10 million businesses! Addresses, phone numbers and sometimes e-mail.

The Argus Clearinghouse

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The Mother-of-all BBS

The Virtual Tourist - World

Veronica - Search the gopher index.

The WWW Virtual Library


WhoWhere - One of the Internet directories of e-mail addresses, individual and corporate URLs.
Find all matches or only exact matches.

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WWW Worm also called GoTo

Yahoo - One of the greatest subject catalogues on the Net also provides search capabilities. Highly recommended.

Yahoo (in Norway)

Yanoff's Internet Services

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Yellow Pages (in Norway)
Business category/keyword:

Company Name:


Nordic resources

Graphical presentation of the countries' homepages: List of Web-servers in the following countries:
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