The Remony of Ladonia

The 1st Chamber

Parliament Agenda

Parliament's history

General rules for Parliament voting

The following guidelines for votings can be drawn from Parliament Voting #1 and preceding discussions:
  1. According to the results of Parliament Voting #1 ("voting on majority"), all future votings will be determined by an "Over 50%" majority. "Over 65%" (or more?) majority for cases which hold great importance for Ladonia (?);
  2. Votings should be reserved for MLPs, although some important questions should be open for all Ladonians;
  3. Any Ladonian citizen can put a case on Agenda and demand a voting. In this case the desired type of voting (open or MLP-only) should also be specified (?);
  4. The Parliament decides which cases are to be open-voted.
  5. In case of an open voting the MLPs should hold a separate closed voting after the results of a public voting are known AND after these results have been discussed;
  6. A voting will normally last for one week (two weeks if it is a very important question);
  7. The results of a voting would be qualified if more than 10 (15?) MLPs took part in a voting;
  8. The results are discussed and eventually sent to the Cabinet. (The idea is that the Cabinet should take the results of discussions and votings as guidlines to their governing of Ladonia.)
  9. If there is a majority for the suggestion in the public voting and the Parliament disagrees the Parliament should be able to have a vote and with 67% or 75% (or perhaps even with 50 % ???) turn the suggestion down. (by MLP Daniel Johansson)
This is not final. Any suggestions for further additions or alterations can be sent to a Speaker.

In a letter to a Speaker, MLP Matthew Sinclair has set up a formalized outline for rules, which would apply for initiation of a voting:

Section I

Article I
An issue can be added to the Parliament's Voting Agenda by REQUEST of a CITIZEN or DEMAND of an MLP. A citizen's request shall have an overview of the case. If the request include a request for voting, the request shall specify whether the voting be OPEN CITIZEN or CLOSED MLP.

Article II
REQUESTS should be sent to any MLP or to the Speaker of the 1st Chamber. In the case the request is sent to an MLP, the MLP can then DEMAND the issue be added to the Voting Agenda or can forward it to the Speaker with comments. The Speaker of the 1st Chamber, with MLP advisements, shall decide what cases are made OPEN CITIZEN or CLOSED MLP votes.

Article III
In the case of subsequent chambers of Parliament, the speakers shall discuss/vote amongst themselves and their respective chambers whether the voting should be OPEN or CLOSED

Section II

Article I
Voting is reserved for MLPs ONLY, unless the voting is opened to all Ladonian CITIZENS by order of the Speaker of the 1st Chamber.

Article II
In the case of an OPEN CITIZEN vote, the Parliament shall DISCUSS the OPEN VOTE and then hold a subsequent CLOSED MLP vote. The results of this vote shall be the Parliament's official view on the case.

Article III
The winner of a vote shall have "Over 50% Majority." In the case of multiple outcomes with none constituting "Over 50%," PURE majority shall decide winner.

Article IV
A voting, whether OPEN or CLOSED shall be open for ONE week. In the case of an important issue, the SPEAKER shall decide whether the voting shall be EXTENDED.

Article V
If a case is voted on in an OPEN CITIZEN vote and then CLOSED MLP vote and the results differ, a NEW OPEN CITIZEN vote shall be held, with the RESULTS of that vote DECIDING the Parliament's official view on the case.

Article VI
The PARLIAMENT'S OFFICIAL VIEW on a case shall be forwarded to the CABINET once REASONABLE discussion and voting on the case has taken place. An EXCEPTION is made when the case is INTERNAL.

Summary of Section I
Article I
An MLP can DEMAND an issue be voted on. A citizen can REQUEST an issue be voted on. When a citizen REQUESTs a case be voted on, they must also specify whether they want the issue to be an OPEN CITIZEN vote or CLOSED MLP vote.

Article II
If a citizen sends the request to an MLP directly, the MLP can either DEMAND it be put on the voting agenda or can forward it to the Speaker with their comments on the case. The Speaker of the 1st Chamber, after being advised by MLPs, will decide which one the vote will be.

Article III
If there is more than one chamber, the speakers will talk amongst themselves and also be advised by the MLPs of the respective chambers. The SPEAKERS will then decide amongst themselves what the vote will be (pure majority of an INFORMAL vote).

Summary of Section II
Article I
Only MLPs can vote unless the Speaker opens it to all citizens.

Article II
Once an OPEN vote is done, Parliament will discuss the case and then vote in a CLOSED MLP vote. Those results are the Parliament's official view on the case.

Article III
Whatever gets more than 50% in a vote wins. If nothing gets the required 50%, pure majority (the one with the most votes) wins.

Article IV
Voting takes place for ONE week, unless the Speaker extends it.

Article V
If the results differ for an OPEN vote and it's CLOSED vote, then a new OPEN vote is held with THOSE results being the Parliament's official view.

Article VI
Once all voting and discussion is done (or at least a reasonable amount), the Parliament's official view is sent to the Cabinet. The idea is that the Cabinet will use it in governing Ladonia. An exception is made for internal cases.

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